Sunday, May 29, 2016



                     I was in this problem for long time and  lost almost 2 month thinking what to do in the beginning. after my exam is over and  result has been publish i enjoyed my holiday but i was planning for higher study in USA. See i was just planning i hadn't take any step regarding that issue. so let me explain to you what to do from the beginning so you wont loss time.

       1. Don't wait for your result.
                      See this is the main problem. what we usually do is wait for our result to make plan but don't. you have to make plan from the beginning. if you are waiting or your result to publish then you will be late. you wont be able to make good preparation unless you have to loose 1 year or more because you need good preparation in SAT.

       2. Start SAT Preparation Course as soon as you can.

               This is the main thing here. you want to study abroad. if you are from rich family you shouldn't care much about SAT because it is for providing scholarship. If you don't want scholarship you can study by paying on your own its OK . nut there are many people who want scholarship. especially international student. so to get better mark in SAT and good Scholarship you need to perform better so it would be wise if you take SAT preparation early. 

    3. Read Articles, Blog, Books and Different other materials.

                        I know it very difficult to read,  for someone example is me myself. I can't read a lot. Articles and Books are very difficult for me but its about your future so you must have to do. if you don't like books then prepare some materials online and read it in you PC or laptop. It would be easier. So make your reading habit.

   4. Download Mobile Apps on SAT and TOEFL to practice.

                      You and your phone will be together all the time. So if you keep practice apps in your phone then you will be able to study or at least look at the format of question. it will help you a lot. so keep mobile apps to practice for SAT and TOEFL.

   5. Daily Practice. 
               NO need to discuss more  on this topic because you know as well Practice makes a man perfect. so you need to be perfect for SAT. the time has come to show you hard working at least once. so Regular practice is most.

GOOD LUCK...........

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