Wednesday, June 1, 2016


OK. If you are thinking of taking SAT test. you must consider somethings to get better score. If you do some better score in SAT then University will provide you good scholarship  of abroad studies. so its time to become serious in this issue. Lets get started.

1. Take practice tests
                 Nothing can prepare you for the SAT like actually taking the test. Block out a window of time every 1-2 weeks to take a full-length, timed practice test. Not only will this help you keep track of your progress, but it’ll also help increase your test-taking “endurance.” Sitting through   a 3 hour and 45 minute exam is grueling and you don’t want test-day to be the first time you’ve taken the full exam under time pressure. The main thing is to know strategy to do any problems. in math tactics is everything.

2. Know the test structure 

                        With the exception of the critical reading section, questions on the SAT are in ascending order of difficulty. This means that questions at the beginning of a section are easier than those at the end. So you should not spend equal amounts of time on every SAT question. The questions at the beginning of each section should be easily and quickly answered, allowing you to save up time to devote to the harder questions at the end.  

3. Read! 
                    In addition to taking practice tests, you should also practice reading articles on unfamiliar subject matters before the test. Read a few paragraphs, then stop and try to identify the author’s argument. you cant get good mark in critical reading without studying books and different articles.

4. Write as many practice essays as possible 

                      Planning, frantically writing, and proofreading an essay in 25 minutes may not be easy, but it is a structure you can master. The essay will always be the first section of the test, and it’ll always be 25 minutes long. The prompt will undoubtedly touch on a broad issue like justice, success, failure, honesty, the value of knowledge, or the importance of learning from mistakes. Doing test-runs of the essay will help familiarize you with this formula, ensuring you don’t waste any time on test day. Figure out a time breakdown that works for you—you’ll need to allocate time for reading the prompt, brainstorming, outlining (a rough outline is fine), writing, and proofreading. Decide on a clear, unambiguous thesis (whether you believe it or not—the SAT graders don’t want to see you waver!). Make sure you have two or three relevant examples (from literature, history, current events, or personal experience) to back up your thesis, and a conclusion that succinctly restates your main argument. reader will read your essay in the first content. two teacher will read your essay to give you mark.

5. Memorize rules and formulas 
                 While the SAT will give you some geometry formulas at the beginning of the test, you should still memorize all these formulas, and others, before test-day. Make sure to know area formulas, the Pythagorean Theorem, the average formula, special triangle rules, and exponent rules by heart, among others. It will save you precious time!

6. Know when to guess on a question — and when to skip it entirely

            If you look at a question and realize you have absolutely no idea how to tackle it, move on! Each question is worth the same — you won’t do yourself any favors by wasting 10 minutes sweating over one questions, when you could move on to problems you can actually solve. That said, if you can eliminate even one answer choice on a question, it is in your best interest to take a guess. If you don't know the answer then you know to do.why to leave question blank so guess and answer it.

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