Tuesday, January 3, 2017




Speciality About BOUDHANATH

There is nowhere quite like Boudhanath. Asia’s largest stupa pulses with life as thousands of pilgrims gather daily to make a kora (ritual circumnavigation) of the dome, beneath the watchful eyes of the Buddha, which gaze out from the gilded central tower. Tibetan monks in maroon robes and with shaved heads wander the prayer flag–decked streets while pilgrims spin prayer wheels and stock up on yak butter and tsampa (roasted barley flour). This is one of the few places in the world where Tibetan Buddhist culture is accessible and unfettered, and the lanes around the stupa are crammed with monasteries and workshops producing butter lamps, ceremonial horns, Tibetan drums, monks’ headgear and the other paraphernalia essential for Tibetan Buddhist life.

Myth About Boudhanath

Once in ancient Nepal, there lived a very grumpy, rude and irreligious man. He was detested by everyone and never did anything pious in his life. He owned a shop in the city complex, but hardly anyone came to his shop because he spoke ill of everyone who came there. When he died, he fell straight to hell. Just before he was to be sentenced for his sins, The Buddha appeared and nullified his sentence. When the demons asked The Holy One why he did this, The Buddha answered, "Yes, this man has committed many sins in his life, but once he circled around Boudhanath while chasing a dog.he had gained a little merit; thus, the buddhas shall grant him one chance to atone." After this incident, it is believed that if a person has committed great sins, they can circle around the stupa--if only one time--and be granted one chance to atone for their sins.

Here, You will find the most peaceful environment, as this place is made after lord of peace GAUTAM BUDDHA. The hymn sound of peace music everywhere, will divert your mind from outside world and make you forget everything and let you enjoy the moment. 

It was New Year Eve 2016. Me and my friends were at boudhanath. We had planning on celebrating new year eve so to add more memory we visited boudhanath. The best thing about boudhanath is the peaceful environment and the lightning around you. 

Every where I travel I only  think of one things, collect memories by doing something crazy. 

It was late night and we were just circling boudha. There is some kind of feeling when you circle the boudha. We were excited as it was our re-gathering and  celebration in boudha. Those lights were surely attract you so were we. You won't regret travelling boudhanath so do visit this place.

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