Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Siddha Baba is located in Buwal. This place in name after a holy temple. In addition to a temple there is also a waterfall which increase the beauty of this place.  

Myths About SiddhaBaba: 

It is said that Siddhababa will grant the wishes of devotee who visit the temple. Every time a person's wish is granted, that person will release pigeon in that temple. Interestingly, there is large number of pigeon around the temple.

Siddhababa temple
What made Siddhababa more memorable than ever? 

Well,I love to cliff jump so obviously this waterfall attract me to the cliff jump. Some of you may have already done cliff jump. You know the feeling right. In that height jumping under a waterfall yup, it is best. If you visit Butwal do check this waterfall, one can easily reach here using Micro-bus or Motorcycle what you have.

What I can never forget about this place is the smile of this cute girl. I was hungry and went to grab some food.  I was there for a while and suddenly a small kid appear in-front of me. She as cute with those beautiful eyes and smile. . A small talk with her attract me to this place more than waterfall, anything.

For detail of this girl and me, check NEXT POST -> 


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